Meet our project collaboration partners who share the knowledge and awareness about the environment for our artists team and a global audience. Find out more how we work for the environment and sustainability.

Magdalena Gschnitzer is a SouthTyrolean activist, author, speaker and film maker. Ten years ago she began to dive where the encounter with a grouper changed her life forever. During a touristic dive in Thailand she found this magnificent creature that was caught by an old abandoned fishing net. Maggy was still eating fish at that time, and for the first time in her life she felt responsible for the suffering of this animal. So she decided to help him and to remove the net. When the fish was free, he hid himself under the corals. With parts of the ghost net under the arm, Maggy and her friends moved on. After some minutes, the grouper came back, swam side by side with Maggy and looked into her eyes and at the same time into her heart.
Since that day, Maggy felt this deep connection with nature and the animals. She started to collect trash on the beaches, under water, gave hundreds of speeches about ocean conservation and became a volunteer for different organizations such as Sea Shepherd.
Maggy has this strong beliefe, that every single person can make a difference: „Our daily choices are creating an immense impact and we have the possibility to choose new, every single day. Let’s take wiser choices! Let’s connect to protect!
“Right now Maggy is working on a documentary about HOPE. She knows, to hope alone isn’t enough. What it needs to make hope visible is courage: „Be courageous and stand up for our home and all living beings in it!"
Nadège Z. has studied sea turtles in the Pacific and Caribbean, mollusks in the Mediterranean, seabirds of the Arctic and many organisms in the Öresund and Baltic seas. We are happy to collaborate and spread awareness about water via the Memory Of Water projects.

of how our project works about environment and in sustainable ways
Taking the opportunity of thousands of people watching the performance and the film to raise awareness, generate change and encourage to take care of the Earth and Water with all its unique ecosystems
Adapting to nature while creating the project, in order not to harm the environment
Choosing sustainable materials to create a scenography, objects, and costumes
Limiting the amount of flights in connection with the project, choosing alternative and ecological ways of travelling
Eating only local and vegetarian/vegan food during all residencies and project creation, sharing the awareness of the impact of meat consumption
Reducing, reusing and recycling packagings, tools and materials that will be used during the project
Saving water and educating about it
Cleaning the natural surroundings if we see polluted places while researching and filming for the project
Documenting, implementing and communicating of all environmental initiatives to the project team and its audience in a transparent, clear and coherent manner
Respecting legal regulations and other requirements related to environmental issues
Raising environmental awareness: during the project work and the premiere event the volunteering Water Team will take care of the eco-friendly course of the event and inform the audience about the environmental actions they can take; several lectures and workshops will be shared with the audience and local communities, and the online educational platform will be available worldwide
Collaborating with environmental organizations, scientist, experts of sea life and other groups or individuals that work for the environment protection
Involving in the project only those people who understand and support our mission (relates to all artistic, technical and production teams)